Last edited on Apr 19, 2022
Information for Law Enforcement
Requests for Private Information
We ask that requests and demands from law enforcement, as well as requests or demands for private information made in connection with court proceedings be faxed to 845-698-4570 or emailed to (there is an underscore between mcc and legal in the email address).
Matters that can be sent here include:
- warrants
- court orders
- subpoenas
- Orders for a Pen Register Trap and Trace Device
- Orders for Wiretaps
- preservation requests
- requests made with a customer’s consent due to civil court proceedings
- other requests involving customer information.
If information is needed in exigent circumstances, please call 1-800-308-6715 or email with that request. If you use email, please call to confirm receipt of that message. These requests can also be made by emailing from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time except on holidays and weekends.
When requesting the user of a specific IP address, please provide a time stamp (preferred) or a date and time range of when the IP address was used. For call detail records, please provide a date range of the information requested. In all cases, please provide contact information of the requestor should the document provided be unclear.